TV viewers in many contested states are likely to be exposed to 3,000+ political commercials in the 60 days preceding the 2016 election. And that has important repercussions for every advertiser. First, gaining share-of-voice in this cluttered environment “is going to be virtually impossible to achieve with every candidate trying to out-shout the other”. Secondly, the negative tone of political ads is shown to have a toxic effect on commercials from non-political advertisers. “When there’s 3, 4 or 5 political commercials in every television commercial break, it’s impossible for any advertiser to escape unscathed from this environment of negative mudslinging,”. Third, a commercial’s effectiveness is diminished when multiple competitors for the same office attack each other. All of which could make for a much stronger case to shift dollars to digital solutions. Already there are encouraging signs.
How Digital Can Benefit From TV’s Lack of Political Ad Effectiveness